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Maryam Umar Mairiga - 10th Edition - Spoken Word Contest Contestant - On a mission to continuously celebrate poets and spoken word artists - Sage at Words
Maryam Umar Mairiga
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Maryam Umar Mairiga,
210 Vote(s)
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Pay ₦500 for 10 Votes
About Maryam Umar Mairiga's work:
Poem Title:
Poem Theme:
The theme of my poem is resilience in the face of adversity and the struggle to move beyond "survival mode" — a state of merely getting by, often due to emotional, mental, or physical pain. It reflects on how people often feel stuck, searching for validation and comfort while masking their true emotions.
Poem Inspiration:
The inspiration to this poem is rooted in my experiences of suffering, loss, disappointment, and emotional turmoil. It draws from my internal conflict of managing pain while striving for hope and redemption.
How long have they been writing poems:
I started writing poems from a young age. I found it as a form of self expression during challenging times.
Initially, I started to write short journal entries. Over time, I realized that my writing took on a rhythm that began to resemble poetry. As i continued, I found that poetry allowed me to explore my deepest thoughts and emotions in ways that other forms of self expression could not.
All this started around 2016, right before I entered Junior secondary school and began writing my first book.
From then, I continued using writing as an Avenue to channel my emotions and reflect more on life as a young person.
How they discovered their passion for poetry and word art:
I've been writing poems for as long as I can remember, though I didn't always call it poetry. It started with scribbling lines in the margins of my notebooks, trying to capture moments or feelings that seemed too big for regular words. Over the years, writing became my way of making sense of the world, a quiet space where I could explore my thoughts, reflect on my experiences, and connect with my deepest emotions.

At first, I wrote just for myself — short verses about the things that moved me: a striking sunset, a difficult day, the joy of a fleeting moment, or the ache of a loss. But as I kept writing, I began to see poetry everywhere — in conversations, in nature, in the way light filters through the trees, or in the quiet pauses between breaths. Poetry became not just something I did, but a way I saw the world.

So, to answer your question, I've been writing poems my whole life, in one form or another. It has grown with me, changed with me, and continues to be a source of meaning and expression that I can't imagine my life without.
I’m a self published author, with a book to my credit and more books in the pipeline.
Winning this competition will go a long way in helping me fund my next book!
How to Vote:
i. Scroll up, fill the number of votes you want to buy for your contestant in the box that looks like this:
You can put any number in the box. There are no limits.
ii. After typing the number of votes you want to buy, click on the blue button to make payment.
You can also watch the video below to see how to vote.
NOTE: Votes are effected automatically and immediately. But if a vote is not effected immediately, then wait for 20 minutes, and it will be effected. And if you face any issues, feel free to contact +2349114690341 on Whatsapp if you need support or have questions.
10 things our Lawyers want you to know:
1. "Spoken Word Contest" is a Competition fully sponsored by The Next Star Talent Hunt and The Most Creative Contest. Both of them are products of Balloon Technologies LTD. An Organization registered in compliance with International laws and the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria.
2. It is an Online Talent Competition, which finds its operandi similar to other talent competitions like the America Got Talent show, The Big Brother Africa, MTN Project fame among others.
3. Registration to Participate in "Spoken Word Contest" is Completely FREE. Note this.
4. Like in every other Contest, "Spoken Word Contest" enshrines prizes for Its Winners.

1st Position: A Golden Luxe Plaque and a Monetary award of N500,000 (Five Hundred Thousand Naira only)

2nd Position: A Monetary award of N150,000 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira only)

3rd position: A Monetary award of N50,000 (Fifty Thousand Naira only)

5. Winners of "Spoken Word Contest" are selected by a Simple-Majority Voting system.
6. The Voting system entails a transparent form of anyone visiting a contestant voting link and then voting for them. 1 vote is N50 (Fifty Naira only). And anyone can vote for a contestant as much times as possible.
7. Payment made as Vote on any Contestant (while in contest and afterwards) would not be refunded.
8. In the Policy of enjoining Transparency, Live updates on scores of each Contestant, are made Public and available on the Contest’s website via - coupled with personalized mails and text messages forwarded to each contestant daily.
9. As by Law, Participation in "Spoken Word Contest" is completely Voluntary and Contestant can discontinue at anytime, with the Caveat of Votes counted, being lost and not refunded.
10. "Spoken Word Contest" acts in Good faith in Accordance with International Laws and the Laws of the Federation of Nigeria.
So far, we have given out over N700,000 to our past winners.
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Our contests constitutes a competition and NOT an investment opportunity. We strongly discourage taking extreme measures for the purpose of participation or winning our contests.