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15th Edition - Spoken Word Contest - Competitions - On a mission to continuously celebrate poets and spoken word artists - Sage at Words
15th Edition - Spoken Word Contest
15th Edition - Spoken Word Contest
Spoken Word Contest is a Talent competition organised by
Here is how to participate.
How to register:
1. You must be a Nigerian living in Nigeria.
2. This competition is open to Teens and Adults only.
3. This is an online contest - so it is open to everyone irrespective of their location in Nigeria.
4. Make a video of you reciting an original poem of yours.
5. The original poem doesn't have to be brand new. It may be a poem you have written or recited in the past. What matters is that it was written originally by you.
6. Your poem can be centered on any theme. Just ensure you know what theme it is and what inspired your poem. Because you will be asked to fill it in when registering.
7. You can use your phone to record your video or use standard equipment. Anyone will be accepted.
8. Your video can be of any length. But the preferred maximum is 3 minutes.
9. After making your video, come back to this page and click on the "Upload your Video to Register" button below to upload your video and register for the contest.
10. You will immediately get a confirmation voting link.
11. Registration ends on February 9th 2025.
12. Voting starts on February 10th 2025.
13. Each vote cost N50 only. And anyone can vote for you multiple times.
- 1st Prize: N500,000 + Golden-Luxe Award Plaque + 2 Years Long Supply of Premium Ballpoint Pens.
- 2nd Prize: N150,000
- 3rd Prize: N50,000
What should be in your video
1. Introduce yourself
2. Recite your poem
3. In the end, take 10 seconds to appeal for votes.
For more info and support, email or send a message to 08143987775 on Whatsapp.
PS: Registration ends on the February 9th 2025. But we may end it earlier than that if we get up to 50 contestants before then. 23 contestants have registered already. So register as soon as possible to lock in your slot to win 500,000 and other amazing prizes.
This competition is sponsored by TheNextStar, TheMostCreative, and SageAtWords.
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Our contests constitutes a competition and NOT an investment opportunity. We strongly discourage taking extreme measures for the purpose of participation or winning our contests. Participants assume all risks.